Day: January 22, 2024

Sustainable Packaging: PharmapacNZ – A New Approach to Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is a relatively new consideration beyond recycling to look at the whole package life cycle. Companies increasingly use metrics and scoring systems to compare their packaging’s eco-friendly credentials. For more PharmapacNZ sustainable packaging, check this out.

PharmapacNZ is leading the way with its fit-for-purpose plastic packaging, and as New Zealand’s only Toitu Enviromark Diamond certified manufacturer, they have impressive sustainability credentials.

Lower Carbon Footprint

sustainable packagingWhen it comes to sustainable packaging, many factors come into play. The materials used, carbon reduction initiatives, and circular economy policies all play an essential role.

Drug manufacturing has a huge carbon footprint, as does the transportation of medicines to patients. Luckily, companies like pharmaceutical contract packager Double Rainbow are working on greener alternatives. The company uses fermentation-based methods to manufacture small molecules, simultaneously cutting out fossil fuel dependency and emissions. The major pharma companies are embracing this long-term vision, which will hopefully be adopted more broadly.

Lower Breakage Rates

In a market where eco-conscious consumers demand it, pharmaceutical companies use sustainable packaging to minimize their carbon footprint and conserve resources. They can protect product efficacy, improve efficiency, and boost brand reputation by moving toward recyclable or biodegradable materials.

Many primary packaging materials are becoming more sustainable, with a growing market for plant-based bioplastics and paper-based solutions. These are created using organic materials; when they break down, they leave elements that benefit the environment. It reduces waste production and the need for more protective material, reducing the weight of packaging materials. It cuts down on fossil fuels needed for transporting and storing goods.

Title to the Goods passes to the Customer only when all monies owed by the Customer to Pharmapac on any invoice have been paid in full (“Cleared Payment”). The Customer indemnifies and holds harmless Pharmapac against any claims or damages arising from reliance on manufacturers’ raw material content and componentry information provided in the status sheets.


We’ve designed many of our packaging options with end recyclability in mind. These include the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and PP bottles for our GO Healthy products and the child-resistant, tamper-evident PET bottle solution. These are manufactured in Auckland by Pharmapac, New Zealand’s only packaging manufacturer to be Toitu Enviromark Diamond certified, above ISO 14001 accreditation, and they are partners of Operation Clean Sweep.

The PET pots, jars and flasks we use for our nutrient, health & and beauty product range are up to six times lighter than their glass counterparts, which helps reduce shipping costs and the carbon footprint required to move them. They also have much lower breakage rates, which reduces storage space and product spoilage. For more PharmapacNZ sustainable packaging, check this out.


In the age of renewed interest in green living, sustainability, and zero-waste lifestyles, many products are marketed as being “biodegradable.” But what does that mean? And is it a good thing?

Biodegradable materials are those that break down into organic matter naturally. It includes food waste, paper and wood. In contrast, non-biodegradable materials, like metals and plastics, take eons to break down, polluting the soil and water.

The good news is that many biodegradable items, such as plant-based plastics and cellulose from plants, are compostable. It can be achieved in industrial composting or well-managed home composting.

It reduces the amount of waste in landfills, where it breaks down and produces greenhouse gases. It also avoids the problems associated with plastic waste, such as leaking chemicals into the environment or creating microplastics. These are often the result of poor design and manufacturing processes. That is why it’s essential to choose only biodegradable products that can be used with a sustainable mindset.

Consumers view sustainable packaging as an important factor in purchasing decisions. They’re willing to pay more for an eco-friendly product.

Adequate, sustainable packaging includes reducing waste, using lighter materials, and avoiding chemicals that release harmful substances throughout manufacturing. It also takes into account energy use and end-of-life considerations.

As concerns over climate change and plastic pollution mount, consumers are increasingly seeking greener product packaging. By prioritizing sustainability, companies can not only reduce their environmental impact but also harness a thriving, conscious customer base.