Day: October 9, 2023

Cosmetic Dentist Adelaide: Cosmetic Dentist Boosts a Patient’s Smile

A cosmetic dentist Adelaide specialises in procedures that enhance a patient’s smile. It includes teeth whitening, dental implants and crowns. It can also have jaw surgery to fix mismatched jaw sizes and bone grafting to thicken the gums for teeth implants.

Cosmetic treatments such as GlamSmile porcelain veneers are minimally invasive and affordable, making them available to more patients than traditional cosmetic dentistry. The benefits of a beautiful smile are many and varied.

Improved Self-Confidence

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of teeth and the surrounding gums. It can also repair broken or chipped teeth. This treatment can dramatically improve a patient’s smile. It can make them look younger and give them more self-confidence. They are more likely to smile and speak openly, making them more confident in their relationships.

Many general and family dentists offer cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental crowns or caps, veneers and direct composite bonding. However, it is normal for these practices to refer their patients to a specialist cosmetic dentist for more complex work or treatments that require specialised expertise.

A cosmetic dentist in Adelaide specialises in treating a wide range of aesthetic dental issues and can provide a comprehensive range of services, including whitening, implants, gum lifts, veneers and repositioning of crooked teeth. They can also address more serious problems such as jaw surgery, tooth removal and bone grafting.

Ceramic veneers are a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that an Adelaide cosmetic dentist can use to change teeth’ shape, size or colour. These thin porcelain shells can be bonded to the surface of a tooth, giving it a natural-looking, youthful appearance. They are highly stain-resistant and do not discolour over time. They are also very durable and last 10-15 years.

The most common cosmetic treatments an Adelaide cosmetic dentist offers include whitening, direct composite bonding and ceramic veneers. These are a quick and affordable way to fix minor cosmetic concerns such as stains, chips or cracked teeth. In most cases, they can be completed in a couple of visits to the dentist – one to get impressions or 3D scans and the other for the veneers to be designed and fabricated. The patented GlamSmile technology allows the Adelaide cosmetic dentist to deliver these veneers more quickly and affordably than traditional methods, which typically require significant cutting back of healthy tooth tissue to prep them.

Improved Bite

A cosmetic dentist Adelaide can perform procedures that help with a person’s bite. These include tooth removal, necessary if there is severe crowding or an impacted (fully or partially under the gum) tooth, jaw surgery to correct problems with the upper and lower jaw sizes and bone grafting to thicken the bones in preparation for implants.

These procedures improve a patient’s bite and allow them to chew food more easily without pain or discomfort. It is a significant benefit that is often overlooked. A sound bite means patients can eat the foods they enjoy without altering their diet. It can increase their enjoyment of life. Additionally, it may enhance their career opportunities as employers look for candidates who present well.

Improved Oral Hygiene

A cosmetic dentist in Adelaide can fix many issues, including worn and chipped teeth, gaps, cracks, and deep stains. Not only do these treatments give a more youthful appearance, but they also improve a patient’s ability to chew and speak. It can lead to an improvement in day-to-day interactions and may even open doors when applying for jobs.

Increased Self-Esteem

A cosmetic dental treatment enhances your teeth, gums and smile. It boosts your confidence and can improve your life in small and large ways. It may help you to feel more confident and comfortable at work or in social situations. It can lead to better job performance and more positive interactions with others. It also allows you to be more expressive with your emotions, such as laughing and smiling, which can also make others around you happy.